تغيير كؤوس والدوريات pes6
Africa Cup,
Copa America,
Asian Cup,
UEFA Euro Cup,
FIFA World Cup,
Copa Konami,
League World Cup,
Cup of All Leagues and Master Your Hearts,
The UEFA Champions League,
UEFA Europa League,
Cups Of German Leagues Cup,
Spanish League and Copa Del Rey,
and English League Cup Of England League,
Italian Cup 7 League
Copa America,
Asian Cup,
UEFA Euro Cup,
FIFA World Cup,
Copa Konami,
League World Cup,
Cup of All Leagues and Master Your Hearts,
The UEFA Champions League,
UEFA Europa League,
Cups Of German Leagues Cup,
Spanish League and Copa Del Rey,
and English League Cup Of England League,
Italian Cup 7 League
اللعبه حلوه
ردحذفمشكراااا يا أخي
حذفقول كيية التركيب؟؟؟؟؟